Seventh Period (2019-  ) : This period begins with the edition of the literary work entitled The Development of Capacities Through Music, which focused with a didactic criterion, on topics related to art, psychology and education.

At the same time, it incorporates transcriptions from other books by the same author, such as The Crisis and Dehumanization of Art in the 20th Century. Its Manifestation in Music, and Music in the Crisis and Dehumanization of Contemporary Art. It is also linked to the Theory of the Levels of Aesthetic Experience.

The book includes not only theoretical aspects, but also personal experiences carried out in different topics, particularly in education, where the development of capacities through music was studied, without ruling out the possibilities of this genre as inspiring of the creative act, especially audiovisual.

Furthermore, the use of  The Theory of Levels to cinema and music continues, applying these resources in the didactic task, taking as core ideas, the different historical periods of these genres.

At the same time, this new period means the development of new approaches to audiovisual theory referring fundamentally to intrinsic montage and rhythm, which are placed in the series of audiovisual works On the Materialization of Forms. Concurrently, this book was included under the title: On the Materialization of Forms. Individual and Collective Visual and Sound Representations. Synchronization Linkage in Cinematographic and Audiovisual Expression. Significance of Materialization in Evolutionary Processes. Published in July 2020.

Regarding the audiovisuals, they are based on the classic forms of analogy, particularly in the chapter referred to The Association of Forms by Chromatic Link. The varieties of intrinsic montage in the same film frame, new diversities of analytical discourse, and the latest language resources used in the Sixth Period works are applied. In the extrinsic aspect, the author´s new postulates come from the annulment of the “point of extrinsic union by dissolving in free will” are considered. The adoption, in formal objectivity, of the assembly in synchronous consonance of frame on frame in the passage of the cross dissolve, both in the diptychs and triptychs or polyptychs joined in progressive succession.

The audiovisual Memories of the Immigrant Hospital (1990) was also the main subject of a homonymous book edited and published in August of 2020, dealing with the historical aspect and the dissemination of audiovisual theory.

This work, published in September, come with Immigration in Misiones. The creation of Svea. City of Oberá.

On the materialization of Forms

Triptychs, Polyptychs and Upper Oval Structures

Music by Gustav Holst

Digital Edition HD 1920.1080p
16.9 aspect ratio
Stereo sound 2.0
Colour photography 35mm
Published between November and December de 2019

On the Materialization of Forms

The forms associated by chromatic bond.

Animal and plant kingdom

Music by Gustav Holst y Arthur Bliss

Digital Edition HD 1920 x 1080p
16.9 aspect ratio
Stereo sound 2.0
Colour photography 35mm.
Published between December 2019 and January 2020.

On the Materialization of Forms

Significance of Materialization in Evolutionary Processes.

Music by Anatol Liadov, Jean Sibelius and Arthur Bliss

Digital Edition HD 1920 x 1080p
16.9 aspect ratio
Stereo sound 2.0
Colour photography 35mm
Published February 2020